For You My Friends

One day you’ll understand that you are alone And the world around you, cold and firm like stone And that’s the miracle, you’ll need a real friend To whom you do not have to lie and to pretend And that’s the miracle, you’ll need a real friend To whom you do not have to lie and to pretend You have to stop for a moment You have to wait for a while Remember all the friends you’ve needed To say to them thanks and then to smile You have to stop for a moment You have to wait for a while Remember all the friends you’ve needed To say to them thanks and then to smile You’ll see all people in another way In your life, it won’t be a hard and heavy day And that’s the important day, you’ll need a real friend The tell that you are tired, to lie and to pretend And that’s the important day, you’ll need a real friend The tell that you’re tired, to lie and to pretend You have to stop for a moment You have to wait for a while Remember all the friends you’ve needed To say to them thanks and then to smile You have to stop for a moment You have to wait for a while Remember all the friends you’ve needed To say to them thanks and then to smile You have to stop for a moment You have to wait for a while Remember all the friends you’ve needed To say to them thanks and then to smile You have to stop for a moment You have to wait for a while Remember all the friends you’ve needed To say to them thanks and then to smile

August 25, 2017

I Might Be the One

You may close, close every door if you dare You may turn, turn out the lights And pretend you’re not there You can try to forget about me, but please Stop before you do ‘Cause I might be your only shelter Might be the one who always stands for you All you have to do is call my name in silence And I will run to you like I have wings I don’t and I won’t believe that you’re gonna leave Look at me, stay with me Feel the flame burning in me, in your eyes Still I can see how much you need me Please, stop before you go ‘Cause I might be your only shelter Might be the one who always stands for you All you have to do is call my name in silence And I will run to you like I have wings ‘Cause I might be your only shelter Might be the one who always stands for you All you have to do is call my name in silence And I will run to you like I have wings You gave me wings

August 25, 2017

Kā viņa mani mīl

Nevar būt ka viss ir kā senāk Varbūt dzīvē mainās viss manā Pārāk daudz ko gribu teikt Tev Arī tad ja neklausies manī Atstājot rūpes ikdienai savai Iet pie tevis izrādās labāk Nesaprotu kādēļ šaubījos Jo jūtu to Kā viņa mani mīl Nolikt visu pelēko malā Basām kājām vasarā bradāt Sajust tevi pie sevis vēl tā Esmu kā noreibis pastaigā šajā Atveru acis ieskatos tavā Sejā kura lūkojas manā Nesaprotu kādēļ šaubījos Jo jūtu to Kā viņa mani mīl

August 25, 2017

Let's Go Insane

There’s a place I used to know It was all so beautiful It was only for me and you Would you come into my place? Would you go into my shoes? Would you stand the hard embrace? When I give my heart When I fall in love It will be the same Baby, baby, I wanna be your star Let me hide and fall in your sky Don’t wanna hurt you, it is true I just wanna love you Come in to my life and, baby, let’s go insane Lay your body next to mine Feel the ground and heaven above Hear the sound of my soul I don’t wanna fight no more I don’t want you to lie Don’t want me to cry, don’t wanna hide When I give my heart When I fall in love It will be the same Baby, baby, I wanna be your star Let me hide and fall in your sky Don’t wanna hurt you, it is true I just wanna love you Come in to my life and, baby It is true Love you Don’t wanna hurt you, it is true I just wanna love you Come in to my life and, baby Let’s go insane Baby, baby, I wanna be your star Let me hide and fall in your sky Don’t wanna hurt you, it is true I just wanna love you Come in to my life and, baby, let’s go insane

August 25, 2017

I Was a Lonely Girl

I was a girl with an empty space in my heart I was a rock that stands on the empty beach, oh my God I had no home, had no money, had no place to go But, baby, you moved me on I didn't cry, I didn't laugh I had two eyes, but I was blind I had no grief, no happiness There was no order neither mess I was always in between humbleness and self-esteem You made me live I was a lonely girl till I met my man Who will love me completely And will understand me I was a lonely girl, But I found love so true You enchanter, oh you- See what you do with your voodoo If you have lived, You don't want just to exist anymore Here is my heart, boy I know you'll keep it in warmth You have made me love, Made me hate, too I am thankful to you and, Baby, you moved me I didn't cry, I didn't laugh I had two eyes, but I was blind I had no grief, no happiness There was no order neither mess I was always in between humbleness and self-esteem You made me live I was a lonely girl till I met my man Who will love me completely And will understand me I was a lonely girl, But I found love so true You enchanter, oh you- See what you do with your voodoo I was a lonely girl till I met my man Who will love me completely And will understand me I was a lonely girl, But I found love so true You enchanter, oh you- See what you do with your voodoo I was a lonely girl till I met my man Who will love me completely And will understand me I was a lonely girl, But I found love so true You enchanter, oh you- See what you do with your voodoo

August 25, 2017


Sevi apmōņēt Vīnkoršōk nakai tev rōdīs Naticēt I nazkur tymsā stōtīs Verūs spīgeļī Voi eistin tai var byut Godusymts ir nūgulāts Tū ņiuļe zynu, un tū muņejo un tova sirds jyut Pasamūds, vieļ eisti nanūjauš ņivīns Un kas ir tys spāks Kas nu kryutim orā ļīn Pasamūds, vieļ eisti nanūjauš ņivīns Rūkas kulakūs īt Ņikas vairs cits tev naatļīk Gona breiņētis As naasu vīneigais, tu aj maņ ļeidza Itis reits Byus reits, kod obi murgōt beidzem Verūs spīgeļī Voi eistin tai var byut Godusymts ir nūgulāts Tū ņiuļe zynu, un tū muņejo un tova sirds jyut Pasamūds, vieļ eisti nanūjauš ņivīns Un kas ir tys spāks Kas nu kryutim orā ļīn Pasamūds, vieļ eisti nanūjauš ņivīns Rūkas kulakūs īt Ņikas vairs cits tev naatļīk

August 23, 2017

Perfekta Diena

Es attaisu nākotni, zinu kas tur ir Tur perfektā dzīve, sava mīlestība Sakārtot dienu, savu dzīvi Saglabāju laimi perfekti Seko jūtām, nākotnei Atrod viņu savai laimei Ar savu šarmu, apburošu siluetu Jūtams skaistums un kaisle Viņas augums sakārdina pasauli Visi vīrieši viņai ir pakļauti Intriga turpinās, es viņu atrodu Visādi es viņu iemīlēju Jūtas nemainās, gulēt, dzīvot Brūces sadzīs, atradīs mieru Tu būsi īstā, ko es gaidīju Es gribu redzēt tevi laimīgu....

August 23, 2017

Marija Helēna

Pie mums, cik vēlies, var skaistas meitas skatīt, Kad vakarstundās it ielās spuldzes mulst, Tad pakļainot pa pilsētu tām patīk Un ilgi pētīt, kas redzams skatlogos. Ne rotas tām, ne dārgas lietas mīļas, Tik redzēt kāro, vai ir atspulgs glīts, Un puiši nāk un smaidot seko viņām, Ar tevi solī es tagad eju līdz. O Marija Marija Helēna Pār visu pāri tavs maigais skaistums mirdz! O Marija Marija Helēna, Tik tevi vien sirds kā neprātīga mīl....

August 23, 2017

Vakara Dziesma

Sarkan` Saule selgā brien, Balta kaija dusēt steidzas. Tikai vilnis skrien un skrien, Vilnis krastā neizbeidzas. - 2x Vilnis nāk un vilnis zūd, Vilnis vienmēr aizskrien garām, Ne mēs varam viļņi būt, Ne mēs līdzi izskriet varam. - 2x Bet zem kājām liedags balts, Tāls pa dzimto zemi gājums. Visu mūžu ausīs šalc Zilā viļņa aicinājums. - 2x

August 23, 2017


Nav ne velna, nav ne Dieva, abu vietā esot Ieva, Vienmēr svēta, vienmēr cēla, vienmēr kārdinoši kvēla, Nomodā un aizmigusi, nepievilto pievīlusi Ieva, Ieva, Ieva 3x Pievilta, jā, un uzticīga, kaunīga un bezkaunīga Vienmēr balta, vienmēr melna, Puse Dieva, puse velna Ieva, Ieva, Ieva Ieva, Ieva, ko lai dara, dzīvinoša tava vara, Nebūs tevis, tavas odzes, cilvēks ņems un sevi nodzers Nodzers sapņos ilgā spirtā, vai tad nav tā, taču ir tā, Jā....

August 23, 2017