Selfie is no small dare
Perfect snapshot pending
Looking pretty good there
I can stop pretending
Got my make-up ready
Checking - phone is steady
Making lips like moo moo
That’s how Bettie Boo do
Hail this beat and get your head departed
Second verse now  and we’re just getting started
Sing along and become a  bigger fan
Then   Alphavilla’s “Big in Japan”
Budo, sushi, mount of Fujiyama
I reflect like missy Elli mama
Click it post it – apply  the right filter
Bow to the insta, it’s your magic philter
Dreams,  becoming so real
My growing extremes, d’ya feel your mojo rising  
Dreams, they feel so real
When  we shall meet
Varbūt rīt!?
What you’re gonna  do (now) when everyone is famous
Hard enough already  sorting  through the lamos
Online spins are gettin’ somewhat heinous
Hang on tight,  they’re  gonna snap Uranus
Daily now it’s a fame hunting season
Trending now you’ŗe waiting for no reason
Sassy and crass like character  Asuka
Assume your stance wide and forward with ‘bazookas’
Dreams,  becoming so real
My growing extremes, d’ya feel your mojo rising  
Dreams they feel so real
When  we shall meet
Varbūt rīt!?
Greta’s tears now seem to be in fashion
I could try to cry some evoking world’s passion
Putting it out might feel a bit dingy
I’m not so hopless like some pathetic Shinji   
Post me share me show me that you like me
Is this the fad or the only way I can be
Laughing  hard at the lopsided mirror
Longing become a real life hero