My Memory Tape

I don’t wanna have another day that would make me stay I’d better run away I’m sick of regularity and triviality You can call me a refugee Don’t wanna have another smile Oh, baby, if it’s just for a while I’m tired of this mystery and lack of honesty And life of probability, yeah, yeah, yeah! When we met I didn’t get That I would hear this crazy threat I’m no fool you can rule My self-esteem, it screams: “Oh, you don’t realize She wouldn’t go for compromise” And I try to escape To delete my memory tape I was never gonna say to you what I am now up to I never thought of that before I’ve never been so pliable and reliable But, girl, you wanted more You wanted me to be you man But you never tried to understand I’m tired of this mystery and lack of honesty And life of probability, yeah, yeah, yeah!...

March 11, 2018

Hey, Boy, Follow Me

There are so many places, so many things to see So many different faces, but, baby, look at me I know the scenic mountain where you would go uphill So I know we start dreaming of some vicious devil feel But if you let me lead you because you want to know Don’t hesitate, my darling, just take my hand and go Hey, boy, follow me if you want to see the sky Hey, boy, follow me, baby, just you and I Hey, boy, follow me, I’ll be your happy guide ‘Cause when we walk across my world you’ll be my guiding light You have to hear my ocean, to see my land is wide To feel my deep devotion, experience my light But if you think a stranger is better guiding you I’ll try to understand that if I’m a stranger, too But if you let me lead you because you want to know Don’t hesitate, my darling, just take my hand and go Hey, boy, follow me if you want to see the sky Hey, boy, follow me, baby, just you and I Hey, boy, follow me, I’ll be your happy guide ‘Cause when we walk across my world you’ll be my guiding light Hey, boy, follow me if you want to see the sky Hey, boy, follow me, baby, just you and I Hey, boy, follow me, I’ll be your happy guide ‘Cause when we walk across my world you’ll be my guiding light Hey, boy, follow me if you want to see the sky Hey, boy, follow me, baby, just you and I Hey, boy, follow me, I’ll be your happy guide So, baby, follow-up all on me to be my guiding light

March 11, 2018


Is this your whisper that’s calling me out Or it’s just the rustle of grass? Is this the sun floating in the cloud Or I feel the heat of your eyes? I’m diving so deep in your soul Oh… this river takes me to you Your love’s like a waterfall Falling to the veil of my dreams Not enough for life to take it all This love’s like waterfall Your love’s like waterfall Gentle wind runs around my wings It reminds me your embrace The taste of you staying on my lips Is a gift of your sweet kiss I’m lulling your haze And your stream carries me to where I’ve never been Your love’s like a waterfall Falling to the veil of my dreams Not enough for life to take it all This love’s like waterfall Your love’s like waterfall Your love’s like a waterfall Falling to the veil of my dreams Not enough for life to take it all This love’s like waterfall Your love’s like waterfall Your love’s like waterfall Ooh… waterfall

March 11, 2018

Puse No Sirds

Dsus4 - xx0233 D5 - xx0235 Em Am D G Bm Em Am Em D Dsus4 D5 Em Am D G Bm Em Puse no nakts ir vakars, un otra puse – rīts Am Em D Dsus4 D5 Pabeigts vēl nav padarīts. Em Am D G Bm Em Puse no ceļa ir spogulis, otra puse, kur bēgt Am Em D Dsus4 D5 Atgriezties vai ko slēpt. Piedz. G Bm Em C D Starp dārgiem, svētiem, liekulīgi lētiem G Bm Em C D Kāzas, tiesas, revolūcijas un iesnas....

March 11, 2018

Līdz Himalaju mākoņiem 2

Ievads: A - A7 – D – Dm (2x) A A7 Ar saskaitītiem vagoniem D Dm No dienvidiem uz ziemeļiem A A7 Es spēlējos ar baložiem D Dm Pa skrejceļiem uz peroniem A A7 D Dm Un tie, tie brīnās, kā brīnās, ka cilvēks neapzinās A A7 D Dm Ja iekrīt, sirds iekrīt, tā aizklīst dimensijās A Ja labi grib, var iespraukties A7 Starp vagoniem un noslēpties D Tās sliedes ved uz dienvidiem Dm Līdz Himalaju mākoņiem A Ja konduktors mūs atradīs A7 Un ceļazīmes pieprasīs D Tu zaķi tikai iesmejies Dm Un saki mājās aizmirsies it viss Starpspēle: A - A7 - D - Dm (2x) Ar līdzpaņemtām monētām Mēs robežsargus uzpirksim Un gari plaši stāstīsim Par Himalaju mākoņiem Un tie, tie brīnās, kā brīnās, ka cilvēks neapzinās Ja iekrīt, sirds iekrīt, tā aizklīst dimensijās Ja labi grib var iespraukties Starp vagoniem un noslēpties Tās sliedes ved uz dienvidiem Līdz Himalaju mākoņiem Ja konduktors mūs atradīs Un ceļazīmes pieprasīs Tu, zaķi, tikai iesmejies Un saki mājās aizmirsies....

March 11, 2018

You Don't Know Me

Wherever I go I´ll be drifting on the sideways I´ll be carving skins of pleasure Till I find home Whomever I hold Fills my lungs but I am savage Trapped in songs and old French movies That´s how I lie You don´t know me, you don´t know me When the evening is gone When no one can tell our roles When lonely is fire in our bones You don´t know me, you don´t know me When the morning is bold When no one can tell our roles When lonely is fire in our bones No matter how long In the storms I won´t be afraid to drown You can take my hand but don´t believe it´s warmth Cuz I need to fight this alone Whomever I hold Fills my lungs but I am savage Trapped in songs and old French movies That´s how I lie You don´t know me, you don´t know me When the evening is gone When no one can tell our roles When lonely is fire in our bones You don´t know me, you don´t know me When the morning is bold When no one can tell our roles When lonely is fire in our bones You don´t know me, you don´t know me You don´t know me, you don´t know me You don´t know me, you don´t know me You don´t know me, you don´t know me

March 10, 2018

Jūriņ prasa smalku tīklu

C Jūriņ prasa smalku tīklu, F C Laiviņ baltu zēģelīt’. Dm7 G7 Jūriņ prasa smalku tīklu, C/E F G7 C Laiviņ baltu zēģelīt’. Uzvelk baltu zēģelīti — Iet laiviņa mirdzēdam’. Iet laiviņa mirdzēdama Simtu jūdžu dieniņā Simtu jūdžu dieniņā Divisimti naksniņā Iet laiviņa mirdzēdama Līdz Ziemeļa namdurvīm. Ziemelim ir skaistas meitas, Tās es braucu lūkoties. Vai tu brauci, vai nebrauci, Tu jau manis nedabūs’! Labāk tēva dubļus bridu, Ne tautieša laipu gāj’....

March 8, 2018


Am G F G C G F Am G C Am G C Durvis ir pievērtas un aizkari ciet - mums nav kur iet, Am G C Am G C Tu uz mani paskaties un pasmaidi - palīdziet! Am G C Varbūt tas dzēriens bij stiprāks kā man šķiet?! Piedz. C F G C G F G Lai dievs nogrābstās kā man ar Tevi gribas darīt blēņas C F G C G F G Lai dievs nogrābstās kā man ar Tevi gribas darīt blēņas Am G F G C G F G O o o ooo, darīsim blēņas!...

March 8, 2018

Strauts un jūra

G Cauri meldru cietokšņiem C G Cauri sūnu ielām G Prom uz zilo tāli A7 D7 Steidzas kāds arvien G G7 Zeme smaidot skatās C G Viņā acīm lielām . c G Kā no drūma purva D D7 G Strauts uz jūru skrien 2x Tur uz viļņu galiem Dejo brīvie vēji Un zem ūdens kalna Skaistas nāras mīt Tur tā īstā dzįve Bezgalīgais plašums Tur tie strauta sapņi Dziļā dzelmē mīt 2x Un, kad visas jūras Vienā vilnī velsies Debesis uz leju Lēni nokritīs Strautiņš tad no dzelmes Pretī zvaigznēm celsies Un mūs visus jaunā Krastā izvedīs 2x Tur, kur zaļi purvi Ir, un zilas upes Un ar jaunu gultni Straumi smiltīs dzīs Tur tā īstā dzīve Bezgalīgais plašums Tur tie strauta sapņi Dziļā dzelmē mīt 2x

March 7, 2018

Tavas sirds pilni pagalmi

Tavas sirds pilni pagalmi C Em Am Tad pēkšņi ieraudzīju Am Em C sapratu ko citu mazums, kas cilvēkam uz sirds, kas gan zin', kas tam uz sirds ? C Em Am G Negrib atteikties no Redz', negrib atteikties no C G Am G Dm Nu, negrib atteikties no šī salduma C# G# F# F# G# C# 2x C Em Am Am Em C (1 pants) + Tās ir tādas vienkāršas lietas....

March 4, 2018