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Šķietami labi, Paiet minūtes, kopīgi gadi Braucot it kā kopā Blakus joslās Tu smejies tik viegli, Šķiet pat tuksnesī varam būt vieni Tomēr piestājot jūtu Ceļš par grūtu. Gribēt nevar liegt, bet diemžēl Ar gribēšanu vien nepietiek. Gribēt nevar liegt, bet vienmēr Es jautāju sev. Piedz. Kāpec? Manās rokās visi ziedi novīst? Lūdzu saki.

February 12, 2019

Nevaru tā

Kad mēs viens otram līdzās, Mana roka Tavu roku tver, Tev balss kā čella stīgas, Atbalsojas man galvā vēl un vēl Līdzi nāc,man līdzi nāc vēl tālāk, un nebaidies no tā, Ja brīdi tā,tik brīdi tā mums sāpēs,mums sāpēs Tev izklausīsies dīvaini tas, bet kad Tu prom,man zeme zūd zem kājām Jo es nevaru tā, Jā,es nevaru tā, Bez Tevis dzīvot nekā, Tas nav tik viegli Jo es nevaru tā, kad esi tālumā, bez Tevis nevaru tā, Tas nav tik viegli Tik plāns kā ledus pirmais, ir ceļš,kur mums abiem iet un tikai pusnakts stundā, Tu kā zvaigzne uz priekšu mani ved Līdzi nāc,man līdzi nāc vēl tālāk, un nebaidies no tā, Ja brīdi tā,tik brīdi tā mums sāpēs,mums sāpēs Tev izklausīsies dīvaini tas, bet kad Tu prom,man zeme zūd zem kājām Jo es nevaru tā, Jā,es nevaru tā, Bez Tevis dzīvot nekā, Tas nav tik viegli Jo es nevaru tā, kad esi tālumā, bez Tevis nevaru tā, Tas nav tik viegli Jo es nevaru tā, Jā,es nevaru tā, Bez Tevis dzīvot nekā, Tas nav tik viegli Jo es nevaru tā, kad esi tālumā, bez Tevis nevaru tā, Tas nav tik viegli Jo es nevaru tā, Jā,es nevaru tā, Bez Tevis dzīvot nekā, Tas nav tik viegli Jo es nevaru tā, kad esi tālumā, bez Tevis nevaru tā, Tas nav tik viegli

February 12, 2019


D Ceļojums A D Negaidīti iesācies A D Mērķis zināms tomēr liegts A D Iekšā virmo satraukums D Tagad man A D Kompasi un kartes jūk A D Domu pavedieni zūd A D Tomēr viss tik vienkāršs top Piedz. D A Vēl nē, vēl nē G A Vēl neapstāšos es D G A Es iešu kur vēl nav būts Bm G F#m Em Kur vedīs mani ceļš Vēlos sev Dzīves skaistos brīžus krāt Mazās laimes nosargāt Kabatā ņemt vienmēr līdz Un dienās, kad Koferi un somas zūd Kad kilometru pēdas sūrst Man viena ceļa biedra trūkst Vēl nē, vēl nē Vēl neapstāšos es Es iešu kur vēl nav būts 2x Kur vedīs mani ceļš Vēl nē Vēl neapstāšos es Es iešu kur vēl nav būts Vēl nē Vēl neapstāšos es Es iešu kur vēl nav būts 2x Kur vedīs mani ceļš

February 10, 2019


It felt simple when we met Late night walks and gentle hands I never dreamed of what turned real Eyes closed, you kiss me tenderly But what went wrong and when did we Drive off the road so easily? Not much was changed, that's what you said But I saw all the colours turning grey And now I wish that you would know Love we had still burns somehow Flashbacks take me back to you We lived a dream until it broke I know we crashed and we've been down I know we crashed and we've been down Give us a chance We lived a dream until it broke I know we crashed and we've been down I know we crashed and we've been down Give us a chance We lived a dream until it broke I know that good things never last Too long but felt like we would pass This border here is bittersweet Slow dancing on an empty street And now I wish that you would know Love we had still burns somehow Flashbacks take me back to you We lived a dream until it broke I know we crashed and we've been down I know we crashed and we've been down Give us a chance We lived a dream until it broke I know we crashed and we've been down I know we crashed and we've been down Give us a chance We lived a dream until it broke Nights are lonely without you Can I lay next to you?...

February 7, 2019

Guiding Light

Warm touch You kiss me and I'm out of space I'm flyin' out of reach I'm flyin' out of space And just because of your touch Long ride You take me somewhere we can hide Somewhere down this road Our heartbeats make a song You take me on a long ride And I'm falling deeper in your blue eyes Suddenly we both get lost till sunrise Overseas, across the sky I'd follow you tonight It's like you're my guiding light Breathing calm and breathing fast I know this story will never last I know this story will never last Will never last Our thoughts Are separate, but then they meet It's like a mystery, but everything is real I'm lovin' what I see Your hands Wrapped around me so I'm safe Just small and silly things But love is what they bring Tonight we both have wings And I'm falling deeper in your blue eyes Suddenly we both get lost till sunrise Overseas, across the sky I'd follow you tonight It's like you're my guiding light Breathing calm and breathing fast I know this story will never last I know this story will never last Will never last And this gets better With every second With every heartbeat You're closer to me We're dancing slowly Oh, could you hold me For eternity Overseas, across the sky I'd follow you tonight It's like you're my guiding light Overseas, across the sky I'd follow you tonight It's like you're my guiding light Breathing calm and breathing fast I know this story will never last I know this story will never last Will never last

February 7, 2019

Cherry Absinthe

I don’t remember A lot of things But the one thing I remember Is the last night of December I didn’t notice You were around How can I be so lifted At the same time feel so twisted? Oooh! I’m not fluent But the language of our love Takes me higher and above Oooh! How do you do it? ‘Cos the language of our love Takes me higher and above Oooh!...

February 7, 2019

That Night

It was a lonely night No stars were shining, there was no light One troubled thought broke through And colored my world so blue Lo-o-o-o-ove where are you? Lo-o-o-o-ove I need you Lo-o-o-o-ove all night through Where are you, my love? Oh I travelled through the time It felt for me like doing a crime My mind did crazy things Imagination opened their wings A river dark as cold It took me far away from the shore Please come to me till sunrise And take me back to my paradise Lo-o-o-o-ove where are you?...

February 7, 2019

Scared of Love

Sometimes I get scared of love It just blows my mind Gravity keeps pulling on, so let us collide And now I need to fix my broken heart Do it fast, before it falls apart 'Cause I never believed, That I would love somebody like you I never believed, That you could love somebody like (love somebody like) me We're imagining here I feel it in my heart No mountain high, no valley low To keep us apart And now I need to fix my broken heart Do it fast, before it falls apart 'Cause I never believed, That I would love somebody like you I never believed, That you could love somebody like me I never believed, (Ooh) That you could love somebody like you I'd never even dream That you could love somebody like (love somebody like) And that you and I will walk together And the love we find will last forever We are goin' up, up, up, up Never givin' up, up, up, up We are goin' up, up, up, up Never givin' up 'Cause I never believed, That I would love somebody like you I never believed, That you could love somebody like me I'd never even dream (Ooh) That you could love somebody like you I'd never even dream That you could love somebody like (love somebody like, love somebody like) me

February 7, 2019

Cutting the Wire

Oooo! Oooo! O! O! Oooo! Oooo! O! O! Oooo! Oooo! O! O! What if I Did not pick up High and dry With no heads up Baby Tell me there's another way to see this You played me Once what a huge mistake But now it's twice Don't give a f*ck I won't call you Sooo don't pick up the phone Noooo explaining Noooo excuses I won't call you Sooo don't pick up the phone Oooo!...

February 7, 2019

Būšu tepat

Vai Tava sirds stostās neziņā Beidzot sāku Tevi saprast Tas ir veids, kā Tu tiec cauri tumšai ielai Skrienot ātri, neatskatoties Bet es netieku tev līdz Ja Tev ko vajadzēs, būšu tepat Te vienmēr gaidīšu, būšu tepat Pat ģimenē, Tu vienmēr biji viens Vienatnē mācījies, kas dzīve tāda ir Cīnījies par sevi pats, tā drošu vietu rast Lūk, kādēļ Tu tā skrien – neatskatoties Bet es netieku tev līdz Ja Tev ko vajadzēs, būšu tepat Tevi vienmēr gaidīšu, būšu tepat Kaut mani atstāji – te vienu tālumā Es sekošu Tev ar domām Lai kāds Tevi pasargā Tagad skatos acīs Tev Es redzu, ko meklēji Tu Mīlestība, patiesi, spēj Dziedēt vientulību Šķiet, Tu sāc soļot Jo jūtu Tevi nākam Šis būs jauns sākums Ko sirds Tev rod neziņā Ja Tev ko vajadzēs, būšu tepat Tevi vienmēr gaidīšu, būšu tepat Kaut mani atstāji – te vienu tālumā Es sekošu Tev ar domām Lai kāds Tevi pasargā Lai kāds Tevi pasargā

February 7, 2019