
You're standing on that bridge Between the false and truth to jump or not To stay or leave or what Life seems like peace of shit With all those promises They say it will be better Much better so where it is I just simply can't take it anymore we have to Brake them, shake them and save the world somehow That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone you're rights Our father in the sky You made world beautiful With gentle breath trough shining seas with love You can say probably Life is a misery But I know we got a soul, soul and that is truth Don't be afraid there is a guiding light we have to Learn it, share it and find the way somehow That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone Long, long time ago one great man said to be or not To be it's our destiny 21 century, we're living free But still this question stand's for all humanity That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone That day we will be as one That day all pain will be gone yeah You can trust yourself Believe yourself, believe yourself, 'cause you got a soul, you got a soul I know it and we know it....

November 26, 2017


E A9 E A9 You said you don't like the people watching on you E A9 E A9 You said you don't like sun rise E A9 E A9 You said you don't like shadows in the night E A9 H You said you don't like to fall down A H Then give me your hand and I'll help you G# C#m G# A H Get out of there. Just call my name; and I'll be there E A H A I can be your rainbow in the night and in the day H E A H A Can I be your rainbow in your joy and in your pain H G# C#m G# A E A9 ....

September 29, 2017


G How can people speak about F Something they really don't know G They think it's so smart to tell F About problems they never had G But sometimes it's better to talk F Than do nothing at all G So let's listen to each other F And turn these things to good Piedz.: G You said your life is not F So sweet as candy is G F And that's why you're drug addict G F Now it's good, but after some time C F My friend - your life will be G So painful like hell G In your life are lots of days F When you have to choose G And it's same point to live your life F With or without drugs G So no one can make you do F Something you don't want to G You live your life only once F So it's in your hands Piedz....

September 29, 2017

Ar skaistām frāzēm

[C] Kāds no mums nav patiess. [F] Vai savādāk var būt? [C] Daudz sapņu prāts noliedz, [F] Tos zaudējot, sirds lūst [C] Tad pēkšņi viens var pateikt [F] Viss beidzies, kā būs - tā būs. [C] Tā zvaigzne kādreiz izdziest, [F] Tai mirklī pagaist it viss. Kad [F] pamanām to, tad [G] izrādās, Cik [C] daudz neizteiktas [Am] sajūtas Un [F] krāsas, tās pārvērš [G] pelēkās, Grib [C] nokļūt, kur tām [Am] vajag būt....

March 11, 2016


E G C D Piedziedājums C#m B A B Kādēļ tā, pie sevis pajautā, Jābūt vienam šai sapņu pilsētā, Kur nav neviena, kas pretīm smaida? Bet izrādās, ka no tevis gaida to? Pārpratumi rodas un nerunā par lietām, jūtām - vienkārši tā. Pārsteigumi nāk, kad liktens mums tos raida, Bet zeme griežas, griežas. Un tu pacelies pāri tam, pelēcīgam. Nebaidies lidot, lai jau sauc: neprātīgais! Un tu pacelies pāri tam, pelēcīgam....

August 22, 2014

Beautiful Morning

Intro: D Verse 1 D Bm dream is almost gone .. but I’m still dreamy D Bm what a beautiful life .. when you are sleepi’n D Bm it’s nearly 09.00 AM .. sombody screamin’ D Bm streets already full .. such a wonderful morning Chorus G Bm what a beautiful morning .. funny faces all around G D what a beautiful morning .. please smile for awhile G Bm what a beautiful morning ....

November 12, 2007